Linda Lee Drake Memorial Gallery
at El Sol Mexican Restaurant
Oil Paintings by Kate Merriman
Watercolors by Irina Yastremski
June 9—October 20, 2024

Kate Merriman
I work full time as a program manager for a large software company, but in my spare time I find joy in getting outside and painting plein air or just quickly drawing a local scene in my sketchbook.
I have always drawn and painted. It is meditation, appreciation and expression all in one act. We all need a break from our inner critic, to freshly encounter the world around us, feel alive, and be grounded in the here and now. Every time I summon the courage to paint, I get that gift.
Every painting is a little triumph over cynicism in that simple act of creation, even when a scene investigates and captures how the manmade interrupts nature - as we see everywhere in the Bay Area: giant container ships moving into port as osprey soar overhead, or giant oil tanks flaring on our golden oak-studded hills.

Irina Yastremski
I emigrated from Moscow, Russia to the USA in 1975 and attended Kansas City Art Institute, graduating in 1978. I have worked in several different mediums and had shows on the East Coast, especially Vermont at the Southern Vermont Art Center. I used to paint still lifes in acrylics but since moving to Richmond I have been painting exclusively in watercolors because I enjoy the freedom.