Point Richmond
Post Office Windows
Calligraphy, Book Arts & Zentangles
by Nancy Noble
January 14—March 10, 2025
AOPR member Nancy Noble’s life-long love of the alphabet and all things lettering led her to calligraphy and book arts, and her exhibition in the Post Office Windows features a range of her work and materials.
Nancy's Zentangles are drawn with graphite and micron pens, and for her calligraphy she uses broad-edged pens, pointed-pen and monoline with sumi ink, walnut ink, gouache, and watercolor.
Also on display in the Post Office Windows are books she has made using accordion and hand-stitched book-binding methods along with an example of her Sumi-e Japanese paintings.​​​​​​​

After a long career in the Design and Industry Department at San Francisco State University teaching Typography, Graphic Design, Computer Graphics, Graphic Reproduction Technology, Drafting and Sketching for Design, Nancy retired and now pursues her artistic endeavors full-time. She has been a member of the Friends of Calligraphy since 1977, and is currently the editor of their quarterly Bulletin. She continues to attend the annual International Calligraphy Conference with over 400 calligraphers from the US, Canada, Europe and Asia and instructors from all over the world.
Nancy Noble
Email: nrnoble@sfsu.edu
104 Washington Avenue, Point Richmond, CA 94801