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Past Exhibitions


Fine Dining

2024 AOPR
Member Exhibition

June 29—January 25, 2025

Work by AOPR artists is on display throughout the bar and restaurant. The show includes artwork in a wide variety of media: glass, watercolor, photography, oil and acrylic paint. Several new members exhibiting for the first time bring zest and ingenuity to the exhibition.

"Flowers in  Jar" by Susan Shore
by Liz McCarthy
"The Road Less Travelled" by Ann Painter
"Death From Complications Brought on by Life" by Les Phillips

Thank you to restaurant owner Lara for hosting AOPR exhibitions, to organizers and exhibition managers Louise Williams, Jan Chleboun, K Olival, and Andi Biren, to all the AOPR volunteers who helped with installation of the show, and to all the artists who submitted their work!

Point Richmond

Post Office Windows

Paintings & Art
Herbert L “Les” Phillips

November 12—January 13, 2025

Born in Portland, Oregon, Les now calls the greater San Francicso Bay Area his home. He came here in the early 1980’s to study art, fell in love with the Bay Area and never left. The rich art environment of the area influences his work and contributes to its eclectic nature.

He is often asked to explain what he does, what message he is trying pass along. His answer is that he has no answer for this inquiry. “I don’t think in terms of sending a message. My work is not produced to contain a message, although it can. It is only to be experienced…The work is not complete until it is viewed, and the viewer is an irreplaceable element.”

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Each viewer brings a personal schema—experiences, influences, teachings and views—that affects the way they see and interpret a work of art. “I keep this in mind as I produce each work, striving to encourage interpretation and knowing that each piece is in reality multiple works: as many as the number of people who view it.”


Les Phillips


Instagram: @lesphillips37

Point Richmond


"Abstract Duo"
Art by
Larraine Seiden
Judith Williams

November 17—December 22


­­Larraine Seiden and Judith Williams are friends and kindred artists who enjoy a similar color palette, love of lines, layers, drawing and collage.

Gallery Hours: Saturdays and Sundays 12 pm to 5 pm

Contact us to schedule special viewings, a tour of the gallery,

an event, to ask questions about the art and artists, and more.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Taking It Outdoors

2024 Public Art Banners

Huge thanks to Kenoli Oleari, Sharon Goods, Dee Bell and Ward Bell who mastermind and organize this exhibition, and special appreciation to K Olival and Nora Lee who assisted in the installation of 66 colorful banners.  For a printable banner map & directory, please go to​​


Point Richmond


"The Spirit of West Marin"
Photography by
Don Melandry
Steve Napoli
Marsha Kirschbaum
Bill Johnston

October 26—November 17, 2024

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Photo by Don Melandry

These four photographers form "The Café Photo Collective." They have met weekly for over five years to share field trips, tips, ideas and their love of photography.


The Spirit of West Marin exhibition is a journey of relaxation and sanctuary that winds its way through the communities of Nicasio, Point Reyes Station and to the Point Reyes National Seashore with photographic destinations in between.  Join us!​​

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Photo by Steve Napoli

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Photo by Marsha Kirschbaum

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Photo by Bill Johnston

Gallery Hours: Saturdays and Sundays 12 pm to 5 pm

Contact us to schedule special viewings, a tour of the gallery,

an event, to ask questions about the art and artists, and more.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Point Richmond

Post Office Windows

 “Bring Back the Joy”
Paintings & Art
by Kaci Smith

September 10—November 12

Kaci is a multi-disciplinary artist specializing in two dimensional mixed media with a distinct emphasis on collage, painting and weaving.


Kaci’s recent work is heavily focused on conveying a sense of spontaneity and joy. She always works intuitively and allows her paintings to change drastically from starting to ending point. She enjoys layering; allowing paint to do what it wants to do, obliterating parts of each piece as she edits, and adds more paint and collage. She often works back and forth between unrestrained marks and more considered shapes and color transitions. She sometimes uses a power-sander to excavate and find the history and surprises of previous layers.


Born and raised in a small town in central New Jersey, Kaci has been a resident of California’s vibrant Bay Area since 1996, and Richmond since 2008. She holds a BFA in Textile Design from Moore College of Art and Design in Philadelphia, where she was the valedictorian of her class (1995), and the recipient of the prestigious Rohm and Haas Fine Art Achievement Award.

IG: @kacismith

Linda Lee Drake Memorial Gallery

at El Sol Mexican Restaurant

Oil Paintings by Kate Merriman


Watercolors by Irina Yastremski

June 9—October 20, 2024


Kate Merriman

I work full time as a program manager for a large software company, but in my spare time I find joy in getting outside and painting plein air or just quickly drawing a local scene in my sketchbook.

I have always drawn and painted. It is meditation, appreciation and expression all in one act. We all need a break from our inner critic, to freshly encounter the world around us, feel alive, and be grounded in the here and now. Every time I summon the courage to paint, I get that gift. 

Every painting is a little triumph over cynicism in that simple act of creation, even when a scene investigates and captures how the manmade interrupts nature - as we see everywhere in the Bay Area: giant container ships moving into port as osprey soar overhead, or giant oil tanks flaring on our golden oak-studded hills. 




Irina Yastremski

I emigrated from Moscow, Russia to the USA in 1975 and attended Kansas City Art Institute, graduating in 1978. I have worked in several different mediums and had shows on the East Coast, especially Vermont at the Southern Vermont Art Center. I used to paint still lifes in acrylics but since moving to Richmond I have been painting exclusively in watercolors because I enjoy the freedom.


Point Richmond


"Perceptions & Observations"
by Bob Colin

August 11—September 15, 2024


Images of people, nature, and life.


Images that are easy to miss.


Art in unexpected places.


Explorations of whimsy.


Images that deserve to be noticed.

Gallery Hours: Saturdays and Sundays 12 pm to 5 pm

Contact us to schedule special viewings, a tour of the gallery,

an event, to ask questions about the art and artists, and more.

We look forward to hearing from you.

ar•ti•fact gallery

"Sketches of Nod: Imagined Landscapes"
Paintings by
Marvin Perry Mann

June 1—June 24, 2024

The exhibition features over 30 paintings and tracks the evolution of Mann's work from Realism through Impressionism, Tonalism, and into Abstraction.

M. Mann painting at ar•ti•fact_June2024.jpeg

The artist will be present and painting during gallery opening hours throughout the exhibition.  ar•ti•fact gallery hours: Saturdays and Sundays, noon to 4pm

and by appointment with the artist

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Point Richmond

Post Office Windows

Paintings & Sculpture
by Susan Shore

July 9—September 9

Susan Shore

My recent works have evolved over time. Not having had a formal art education has actually given me the freedom to explore and experiment on my own. Admittedly, this is the hard way to go about it, as learning about materials and tools takes time and effort, but not knowing "the rules" has its advantages, too. Color and shapes motivate me now and express my thoughts and feelings. I hope you enjoy this exhibit!


ar*ti*fact gallery, 109 West Richmond Avenue, Point Richmond, 510-705-3988


Point Richmond

Post Office

"Women's Faces"
"Family Album Revisited"


Sharon Taylor-Ward

May 13—July 9, 2024

My photography reflects my love of play, an activity best described by Peter Gray, PhD: "'Play' is a concept that fills our minds with contradictions. It is serious yet not serious; trivial, yet profound; imaginative and spontaneous, yet guided by mental rules. It is chosen and self directed and motivated by means rather than ends. Play is not real, it takes place in a fantasy world, yet it is about the real world and helps children cope with that world."



This project is a collaboration with friends, family, and strangers who are willing to stand on the other end of my lens and reveal something of themselves. 


I add layers of color and photos of: nature, walls of graffiti, family treasures, found objects and backgrounds from places I have visited. The layers are blended in Photoshop then flattened to create a Photo Composition resulting in a new look and new story.



(A Personal Project)


This ongoing project started during COVID when we were in isolation.  I was longing to see family again. I wanted them to be part of my life now.


Most were long gone.  Some I never met. I now had the time to find my Mother's old photo album from the 1920's and 30"s, study the images and remember some of the stories told. 


I scanned the original 2x3 photos, selected out the relative I wanted to work with, then created a Photo Composition with photographs I have taken from my current life and travels.


It is meant to be playful, mess with reality and time boundaries and make me smile.


Fine Dining

AOPR Winter
Member Exhibition

November 18—June 29, 2024

Forty-eight pieces by thirty-four AOPR artists are on display throughout the bar and restaurant. The show includes artwork in a wide variety of media: glass, watercolor, photography, oil and acrylic paint. Several new members exhibiting for the first time bring zest and ingenuity to the exhibition.

Thank you to restaurant owner Lara for hosting AOPR exhibitions, to organizers and exhibition managers Louise Williams, Jan Chleboun, K Olival, and Andi Biren, to to all the AOPR volunteers who helped with installation of the show, and to all the artists who submitted work.

ar•ti•fact gallery

Real! Live! Color! 
Tapestry Weaving and Textile Art
Laura Kamian McDermott

April 13—May 18, 2024


ar•ti•fact gallery hours: Saturdays and Sundays, noon to 4pm

and by appointment with the artist

Linda Lee Drake Memorial Gallery

at El Sol Mexican Restaurant

Special Exhibition:

Filipino Fathers

March 10—June 8, 2024

A display of colorful banners that tell stories of growing up in Point Richmond. Organized by Josephine Orozco, her family and friends, all descendants of Filipino immigrants who worked for Standard Oil in Point Richmond.

Point Richmond


The Art of Stanley Abercrombie
author, colorist and collagist

February 25—April 19, 2024


Gallery Hours: Saturdays and Sundays 12 pm to 5 pm

Contact us to schedule special viewings, a tour of the gallery,

an event, to ask questions about the art and artists, and more.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Linda Lee Drake Memorial Gallery

at El Sol Mexican Restaurant

Art of the African Diaspora

Arthur Norcome


Bernadette Robertson

January 14—March 2, 2024

Arthur Norcome

Arthur Norcome is a California-based painter who creates abstract watercolor paintings. His work is an investigation of control versus chaos by using blocks of color and bold strokes to add structure and stability to the mediums' desire to run free. His work also explores the natural luminosity of watercolors.


He earned his BFA in illustration from the California College of Arts and Crafts and his years of illustration and logo design remain a prominent influence on how he uses shapes, colors, and lines within his work.


He has recurring yearly shows with The Art of the African Diaspora and the Invisible Atelier and is regularly shown in other venues within the San Francisco Bay Area.



Bernadette Robertson

Bernadette is a self-taught painter who is intrigued by exploring the properties of light and texture, primarily with oils. Also a published writer, Bernadette strives to communicate feelings and emotions through visual and language media. 

Bernadette was born and raised in Los Angeles, California, and much of her work explores her relationship to the ocean, nature, and aspects of her African American and Creole cultural heritage. Now residing in Northern California, she draws inspiration from many things, including her garden, music, community, passion for social justice, and the intricacies with which she sees the things around us.

“Personal spiritual expansion, enabled by paint and brush strokes, is the ultimate goal. I am expanded beyond myself, and my desire is for viewers to experience new openness and connection too.”


Bernadette's art is in collections across California, the United States and internationally.




Point Richmond

Post Office

Jennifer Hoifeldt


January 7—March 11, 2024

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Media: Acrylic, latex, pencil, spray paint



Instagram: jhoifeldt_art

Like the Pacific Ocean that rejuvenates and frees my creative impulses, painting serves me with an escape into a world of no rules, distractions, or negativity. There is only acceptance and deliberate liberation from oppressive constraints and expectations. I begin each new work without a predetermined outcome, but in the painting process my voice and story are visually heard through abstract shapes, distinctive color choices and occasional figurative focal points. In each body of work I am offering the viewer relatable introspection to the evolution of my personal growth and self discovery.


Linda Drake Gallery

at El Sol Mexican Restaurant

El Día de los Muertos

Paintings & Art 


Eric Carlstrom

October 15—January 14, 2024


Eric Carlstrom lives and works in the San Francisco Bay Area. His use of bright colors and heavy black in his paintings makes them visually vibrant and give them a distinctive look.


Eric paints mostly in acrylic, but he doesn't limit himself when it comes to expression in his art. He also works in clay, paper mache, plaster and watercolor, and makes assemblage sculpture and paints on found objects. He believes that art can be moving and inspirational, but also can simply be fun and humorous. 


Find Eric on Facebook and Instagram at:



Point Richmond

Post Office

AOPR Artists


November 9—January 9, 2024

Twenty-two artists participated in the summer round of Art Tag, creating artwork on the theme of "Reflections" .  (For more information about how Art Tag works and how to participate, choose Art Tag from the AOPR website menu .) The work of sixteen artists is displayed in the Post Office windows. Interestingly, the artists noticed that reflections are everywhere, once you start looking. 


Fine Dining

AOPR Summer Member Exhibition

June 24 - November 18, 2023


The exhibition features 44 pieces of art by 28 AOPR artists (including 5 new members) working in a variety of media.


Art is displayed throughout the restaurant.

Big thanks to Lara, for hosting AOPR exhibitions, to organizers and exhibition managers Louise Williams, Jan Chleboun, and K Olival, to all the artists who submitted work, and to all the AOPR volunteers who helped with installation of the show. 

Point Richmond

Post Office

Stephen Kowalski

Upcycled Steam Punk

September 18—November 

California native Stephen Kowalski took apart his toys as a child to see how they worked. Now, several decades later, Stephen does the same thing, just with larger and more expensive parts. Trained as a Graphic Designer and then later an Industrial Designer, Stephen has won several awards for his work in both fields. Stephen does work for his own enjoyment as well as commissioned work at his Richmond Studios.


Contact Stephen at:
T: 510-812-1249
I: therealevenstephen 

Point Richmond

Post Office

Gayle Asali Dickson

Acrylic Paintings

July 17—September 18, 2023

Gayle Asali Dickson, ordained minister, and former member of the Black Panther Party, has been creating art for most of her life.  She illustrated the Black Panther's newspaper, gave art-related classes and workshops in at a Senior Housing Complex in Oakland, and occasionally illustrates her sermons with her art. Gayle began painting in acrylics in 2010 and currently is practicing "The Art of Letting Go" as taught at the Jessel Miller Art Gallery in Napa, California. 

Gayle Asali Dickson

Her work is drawn from spiritual musings, lessons from the environment, as well as stories from the Bible, from history, and life.

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Linda Drake Gallery

at El Sol Mexican Restaurant


Paintings by 

Judy Rattner

July 16—October 15, 2023


"This is a small collection of work that touches on the last twenty years or so...Time is not linear..I have a world that I invite you to enter. Then move within it, feel it. See it through your eyes. Sense it with your mind’s eye, and make it yours."

"When you start working, everybody is in your studio-The past, your friends, your enemies, the art world, and above all...Your own ideas, all are there. But as you continue painting, they start leaving, one by one, and you are left completely alone. Then if you are lucky, even you leave.”


—John Cage, American avant-garde composer (1912—1992)

"I like paintings that do not have all the questions answered, but still pose some questions."

Formal Freedom

Point Richmond

Post Office

K Olival


May 22 — July 17, 2023

Sleeping Bear

Rest assured, we were always at least 50 yards from the bears and with a group of 12 photographers and 3 guides I always felt safe. If you are wondering if it was cold, I can tell you YES, it was cold. Very cold. The temperatures ranged from -10 to -30 below zero. One of the best trips ever.  I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I enjoy sharing them with you. If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to me at

The photos in this Post Office exhibit were taken on a polar bear expedition to a place called Churchill, in Manitoba, Canada.  Many companies offer similar trips but the company I chose promised that I would be "on the ground" with the polar bears. And so I was. The experience of being at eye level with these apex predators was truly amazing, and one that I will never forget.

K Olival, wildlife photographer

Linda Drake Gallery

at El Sol Mexican Restaurant


April 9—July 16, 2023

Paintings by Lenore Stormes and Jean Brady


Lenore Stormes

Watercolor, acrylic, and oil


I find great joy and inspiration in nature and in traveling to new places. Art and design are threads that weave through all of my endeavors—interior design, fashion design, stained glass—and after retiring from a 29-year career in laboratory design for the biotech industry I am thoroughly enjoying a return to the colorful world of painting! 



instagram: lenorestormesartist

Jean Brady

Watercolor and pastel


I joined Arts of Point Richmond in 2010 with encouragement from one of AOPR's founders, Linda Calvin-Drake, and it has been a valuable resource as an artist! I love painting animals, flowers, coastal landscapes and images that tell a story. Many of my paintings highlight scenes of local interest, such as the historic wigwag train signal in Point Richmond.





Fine Dining

AOPR Member Exhibition

January 28 - June 24, 2023


This is one of our best shows ever, so be sure to treat yourself and have a look! The exhibition features 54 pieces of art by 35 AOPR artists working in collage, oils, acrylics, photography, watercolor, textiles, metal and more. Art is displayed throughout the restaurant.

Big thanks to Lara, for hosting AOPR exhibitions, to organizers and exhibition managers Louise Williams and Jan Chleboun, and to all the AOPR volunteers who helped with installation of the show! 

Point Richmond

Post Office

Doug Smith & Peter Carleton

Dye on Aluminum

March 15—May 15, 2023

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Dr. Douglas B. Smith Artist Statement


I began my photography training underwater! Beginning in the 1990’s, I traveled to warm water diving locations and participated in underwater photography training workshops conducted by a National Geographic photographer. Selected images from this phase of my work are included the Point Richmond post office exhibition.


I recently participated in the Arts of Point Richmond Art Tag experience, where participants were challenged to create Accidental Art.  When frozen food packed in dry ice arrived at my doorstep, I seized the opportunity to use the dry ice to create accidental images.  Using a crystal ball lens and dry ice in water, I captured amazing images ─ some of these are also on display in the Post Office windows.



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Peter Carleton Artist Statement


My inspiration comes when my medium “acts up” and does something I hadn’t anticipated. I work with the class of dyes used for printing on fabrics or making photo “metal prints.” I sometimes apply the dyes in powdered form to a dampened surface, but usually they are mixed with water and thickened with shaving cream, a trick I learned from children. I use brushes, squeegees, bouncing balls—anything handy—to apply and manipulate the “paint”.


The white polyester coating on the aluminum strongly resists the dye, so I can often wipe off failed accidents and start over. When an accident is happy enough, I heat the metal to permanently set the dye.




Linda Drake Memorial Gallery

at El Sol Mexican Restaurant

Art of the African Diaspora

Satellite Exhibition

Photographs by

Saida Nassirruddin


Ron Calime

February 26—April 8, 2023

Saida Nassirruddin

Floral Portrait Photographer

Point Richmond

Post Office

Bonnie Leonard & Becca Riley

Fused Glass and Textiles

January 9—March 14, 2023

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Photos by Louise Williams

Artists' Statement

What began as a discussion about the rigidity of glass and the softness of textile morphed into a year-long collaboration between textile artist Becca Riley and fused glass artist Bonnie Leonard. The goal was to spotlight the importance of healthy marshes in our ecosystem. The year was filled with creating, experimenting, at times failing, and ultimately succeeding in combining the two disparate media into a depiction of a marsh viewed through the artists' eyes (and a better understanding of each other's perspective). We hope that you enjoy viewing our creation and that you take away an appreciation for the importance that wetlands play in our lives.

*Special thanks to AOPR artist Paige Tashner for making the legs for the egret and the oystercatcher, and to venue managers Jan Chleboun and Louise Williams for their encouragement and physical labor to help install the exhibition.


For further information about our marshes, visit Save the Bay and National Park Service

101 Park Place,
Point Richmond, CA 94801

Open: Mon—Sat


Closed Sundays

Taking It Outdoors

Banners of the 2022 Season

Out of the studio and into the public square

Linda Drake Memorial Gallery

at El Sol Mexican Restaurant

"Women of the Andes"

Paintings by Gabriela Nuñez

November 13—February 26, 2023



Instagram:  gabrielanunezartist


Artist Statement

I was born and raised in Lima, Peru and moved to the San Francisco Bay Area in my late teens.  Since childhood, I have expressed myself through art, and my Peruvian heritage remains a strong influence on my work.

My inspiration comes from the dignity and innocence of the Indigenous women and children of the Andes: the ready expression of emotions on their faces, the size and strength of their hands and feet, and the hard work they do. I am impressed by their practice of traditional crafts, reflected in the colorful handwoven clothing and knitted garments they wear, including their hats, which vary according to region, and are thus symbols of identity as well as offering protection from the elements. 


Through my art, I would like people to see the beauty of the Andean women and their culture. These paintings represent my personal vision of Andean women, creatively portrayed with love and respect. 

Point Richmond

Post Office

Nancy Whitley

 Nov. 8, 2022—Jan. 2, 2023 


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Nancy Whitley has exhibited her photography in several Bay Area venues and is honored to have been invited to exhibit a selection of her work in the Post Office windows.

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"My quest is to discover the Illusion, the reflection, the bare truth; to see the beauty, the irony, the puzzle. And always, the detail."



Instagram: @nwhitley60

Linda Drake Memorial Gallery

at El Sol Mexican Restaurant

"El Día de los Muertos"

Paintings by Eric Carlstrom

October 16—November 13 2022

Eric Carlstrom at El Sol

Don't miss Eric Carlstrom's suitably colorful, creepy and imaginative exhibition to celebrate Day of the Dead (El Día de los Muertos). On display for one month only. 

Eric is inspired by tattoo art and Japanese wood block prints, and he paints mostly in acrylics. He also enjoys assemblage sculpture, and in this exhibition, he incorporates sculptural, 3-D elements in his paintings. Eric believes that art can be moving and inspirational, or simply fun and humorous. The use of bright colors and heavy black outlines in his paintings makes them visually vibrant and personally distinctive. He lives and works in the San Francisco Bay Area. For more information, please email, or find him on Facebook and Instagram:

Point Richmond

Post Office

Photographer Nora Lee

 September 6—November 21, 2022 

"Float On"

Nora Lee Portrait

Image by Louise Williams

Nora has been printing photographic images on various materials since 2005, and is especially drawn to making photos that portray movement. Her current exhibition at the Post Office is inspired by several years of observing and photographing the seductively balletic movements of jellyfish at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.


Nora transformed the large display windows of the Post Office into a visual aquarium containing four species of jellyfish and giving the impression of 3-dimensional objects in a 2-dimensional medium.


She printed her images in black and white, heightening their delicacy and drama, and onto a substrate of Crêpe Georgette silk. The ethereal fabric moves with the weightlessness of an underwater environment, imitating the exquisite real-life choreography and interplay of these graceful creatures in their fluid world.

For more about Nora Lee and her work, please go to

Jellyfish by Nora Lee

Kaleidoscope Coffee

Creatures Real & Imagined

Sept 1 - Oct 31, 2022

Opening Reception 

Friday September 9, 2022  Sunday  2 pm - 4 pm

Kaleidoscope Coffee, 109 Park Place, Point Richmond

Kaleidoscope Creatures Show Poster

Wild and domesticated animals have long inhabited the depths of the human imagination and artists have brought mythic creatures to life in a visual form since antiquity.


Every culture, primitive and high-tech, that concerns itself with animal imagery and creatures born of our imaginations.


From part-human or animal hybrids to entirely fantastic beasts and spirit beings, creatures continue to thrill, terrify, inspire and entertain us. They give shape to our greatest hopes, fears and most passionate dreams and visions.

- Sharon Goods

Poster artists (from left to right): Louise Williams, DJ Leland, K Olival, Emily Erickson.

Linda Drake Memorial Gallery

at El Sol Mexican Restaurant

Clay Monoprints

by Virginia Rigney and Nancy Foss

July 17—October 17, 2022

"I am a watercolorist, and so for me, making clay monoprints was a new adventure." —Nancy Foss (pictured on left)

This innovative form of print-making begins with a raw clay slab. Artists paint onto the slab with colored slip (liquid clay tinted with colorant), and then add texture and imagery using a variety of tools and techniques. 

"From earliest memory, I've found tremendous satisfaction working with clay and with paint, and making clay monoprints combines these two loves: painting and clay."   —Virgina Rigney (pictured above on right)

When the design is finished, a large sheet of cloth-like paper is laid on top of the clay, and a brayer is used to pressure transfer a single print from slab to cloth. Each image is one-of-a-kind, a hand-pulled original.

To see more of Virginia's work, please go to

Point Richmond

Post Office

The Artists

This site-specific installation, "Symbiosis", is an aesthetic narrative, a conversation among the elements of line, shape, texture, color, and value, within the contained spaces of the Post Office windows. It is the result of a two-year collaboration between the artists Penelope Anstruther and Betsy Kellas who recreated the Post Office windows in their studio to better understand and respond to limitations and possibilities inherent in the actual spaces.

Penelope Anstruther and Betsy Kellas

July 11 - September 6, 2022 


Noun: A cooperative relationship (as between two persons or groups): The two artists, each with their own style, share a symbiosis that enriches both their individual and collaborative work.”

The work evolved over many months with time spent in deeply focused conversations and critiques, as well as serious experiments and playful explorations of a wide range of materials including found objects, ready-mades, and clay. The installation is intended to engage the viewer, create curiosity, and spark imagination.

For more samples of Betsy's work, please go to

To see more of Penelope's work, please go to


Fine Dining

AOPR Member Exhibition

June 25, 2022 - Jan, 2023

"Spring Fennel"
"Pine Feathers"
"Ice Flower Melting"
"The Voyeur"

Art by AOPR members is displayed throughout the restaurant. Featured artists include: Rita Gardner, Nancy Noble, Sharon Taylor-Ward, Nancy Whitley, Louise Williams, Carol Gray, Marilyn Hertzberg, Carol Engelbrecht, Sharon Goods, Virginia Rigney, Ellen Pechman, Andi Biren, Jan Chleboun, Nora Lee, Mary Lee Cole, Jean Brady, Peter Carleton, Richard Ward, Gail Morrison, DJ Leland, Carol Lettko, Bob Colin, Debi Cooper, and Jackie Mucha.

Point Richmond

Post Office

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I have done book illustrations and political cartoons and had a greeting card company. In 1974 I was one of the founding members of the Art Squad, at first in San Francisco and later here in Point Richmond. We have met weekly to draw collaboratively, literally drawing on each other’s art.


I continue to do lots of drawings for friends and family. And I love the Arts of Point Richmond!


For more samples of my work, please go to

David Moore

May 31 - July 11, 2022 

Pen, pencil and watercolor

I have loved drawing since I was a kid growing up on an 80 acre corn and soybean farm in Southern Illinois.  

I moved to San Francisco when I got out of the army. I decided to go to art school when I heard the saying that “if you can draw the human figure, you can draw anything.” I signed up for life drawing classes at the SF Academy of Art and loved doing them and kept drawing all kinds of things.  
