On her 75th birthday in 2008, Altha decided to start a local arts organization. Her original idea was to encourage more connection between local artists and the community. She conducted her first meeting on February 21, 2008, calling artists to join her quest. Today, AOPR is thriving beyond expectations, thanks to hardworking volunteers and artists. Thank you Altha, and Happy Birthday!

Some of the original founding members include David Moore, Bette Tarr, Judy Rattner, Virginia Rigney, Steve Hurst, Susan Shore and Judy Cress. Here are excerpts from comments by a few of them when recalling some of the first meetings in 2008:
From Judy Cress: “Altha organized a meeting at Starbucks in town, where we all sat in large circle and she outlined her vision. A lively and enthusiastic discussion ensued. Congratulations to Altha on your 90th birthday, and for your very inspired idea! All best wishes!"
From Susan Shore: “Altha Humphrey Rocks! I had only been painting for a few years when Altha had her meeting and was thrilled to be part of the initial discussion re: forming Arts of Point Richmond. Her vision and support of our artists is truly a gift to the entire community. Thank you Altha.”
From Bette Tarr: “I remember vividly the first meeting of what was to become AOPR. Altha invited a large group of Point Richmonders who she knew to be artists. I think there were about sixty attending. I loved having the opportunity to meet with real artists! One underestimates the motivational effects of such encounters. It seems like life-long friendships were created at that first meeting! The meeting was held at the community center. Everyone there was infused with the spirit of camaraderie and possibility! Altha was a quiet, modest leader. AOPR is thriving - I’m so happy to see the seed she planted, flowering! Kudos to the leadership and active members of AOPR!”